Tuesday 10 May 2011

Audience feedback

I uploaded my film opening onto my profile of the well known social networking site "facebook". I made a post requesting comments and feedback to which i got some great replies..

Finacial Adviser 50yrs said "brilliant!"

Climbing Instructor 18yrs said "i think that was really good :)"

Student 17yrs, interested in its genre and narrative said "crime watch? what happen's to the girl?"

Uni student 18yrs said  "for a film opening its inviting and i want to know more about what happens to the little girl.... it becomes more of a film and less of a students media product with the external use of actors (elder people, not just students acting older) ...and setting (beach and not in school grounds and such). I felt more involved when i saw the police and became captured into the narrative of the film, like it was real life and it was actually happening. (good verisimilitude)"

My media product has also been on Youtube for about a week, and has had 136 views, with no dislikes.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation Question Four. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Beyond 'who' my audience are, why would they be attracted?

Absent focuses on a British middle-class social group and targets a middle-class audience. We have used costume and props to attract this audience by framing items of value that the audience could relate too. For example the expensive car would mean nothing to someone of lower status, as it would not ever enter or mix in their lifestyle. Whereas if it is placed within the middle class culture, the audience could relate to it, as they would understand its face value and street credit. Again with the sequences that capture the family home, it is easy for a middle class audience to quickly analyise it and familiarise with it, because they will be able to compare and contrast it against their own, creating the repeated feel of familiarity with the opening.

Other Pathe Thrillers
  • Lockout 2012 - A man is wrongly convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage against the U.S. He's offered his freedom if he can rescue the president's daughter from an outer space prison taken over by violent inmates. Budget $30,000,000 (estimated)
  • The Girl 2011- Story of a ten-year-old girl left alone in her house in the summer of 1981.
  • Adele 2011
  • Babycall 2011
Why invest in Absent?
Absent follows the conventions of some of Pathes' other thriller genre films, and is also a British production making it desireable to pathe, who say that they are Europe's leading cinema exhibitor ( they will want to ditribute Absent to continue their well rounded reputation supporting a variety of European film productions.

"Pathé UK has a major presence within the UK film industry, operating as a fully integrated studio. It is involved in all aspects of film-making, from production and development through to international sales and distribution"

  • Film4 develops and co-finances films and is known for working with the most innovative talent in the UK, whether new or establiahed.
  • Film4 showcase a wide range of titles, including the best of British film-making, US independent films, Hollywood blockbusters, mainstream drama and comedy, guilty pleasures, foreign films and cult cinema
Film4 Distributions

2010 Four Lions. budget = £608,608

1996 Trainspotting. budget = $3,500,000

Both these films are low-budget british movies like Absent, and Film4 have proudly distributed them. For this reason i believe they would be a good production company to distribute Absent as it is British, Low- budget and Independant.